fbpx Overseas Trips - 51·çÁ÷


Overseas Trips

Every year around half of the pupils in the school will attend at least one overseas trip. The programme of trips on offer is significant, comprising numerous sports and music tours, trips run by academic departments and personal development trips and expeditions.

All Removes (Year 9) attend the WW1 Battlefields trip in October while other trips are by invitation or are voluntary.

In recent years we have run sports tours to South Africa, Spain, Portugal, and Barbados, and music tours to Malaysia, Australia and Italy.

There are regular departmental trips to Iceland (Geography), Alabama (History), Florence and Rome (Classical Civilisation and Theology and Philosophy).

Personal development trips include and annual scuba diving qualification trip to the Caribbean, the DofE Gold Expedition and, every other year, an expedition to Kilimanjaro or Everest Base Camp.